Wala-hunna Mislul-lazi alaihhin-na Daraja-tun Wal-la hu Azeez-un-Hakeem? (Surah Baqarah verse:228) (And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards ...
sets him up on a remote family estate where, but for one person, all of the people will be ?freaks of nature,? so that he will never grow up feeling abnormal. The one ?undeformed person? (who is also writing the story of ?Boy?) is thus ...
Billy-Joe: hEy HunNa! GrEat TimEs Wit Youu! YouR My Gurl 4 Lyfe ! Ii MisS YoUu Tonz N Ii PrOmisE I'll ComE HoME SooN! LovE YouU FoReVeR && ALwaYs x0x; NaOmI!: Hey GurLie! I MisS YouU aLot! && Im Sry FoR The ShiTt ThaT WeNt DowN BEtweeN ...